Heiric of Auxerre's commentaries on the last eight prophets
Peter the Chanter's Distinctiones Abel
New titles in September & October 2020
Latin Texts from Al-Andalus (s. VIII-XI)
Gregory of Nazianzus' Oratio 42 in arabic translation
24 Sermons of Augustine in a new critical edition
Gregory of Nazianzus' orations 6, 23 and 22: Critical edition of the Georgian Translation
Historiography in Late Antiquity
Heymericus de Campo - Centheologicon
Alfonso Buenhombre - Alfonsus Bonihominis, Opera omnia
Liber Quare - Das Buch Warum
The first monograph ever written solely on the Eucharist
New volume in the edition of John Scottus' literary legacy (CCCM 167)
Out now: Sacris Erudiri 58 (2019)
Clavis Clavium: the Open Access Gateway to Late Antique and Medieval Literature
Latin in Byzantium I
Pseudo-Apuleius' dialogue Asclepius
Caesarius of Arles on the Apocalypse of John
The chronicle of Hériman of Tournai in French translation
Corpus Christianorum: New and Forthcoming Titles 2019-2020