The series Conciliorum oecumenicorum generaliumque decreta publishes critical editions of the decrees of those church councils which are termed ‘ecumenical’, as well as those of the main ‘general’ councils whose authority is recognized by most Christian denominations, or are accorded such status within the Roman tradition.
Canonical reception, theological effect, the scholarly consensus are therefore applied as the main criteria of a work based on scientific parameters and on philological principles. However, as well as each scholar who needs definitive editions, also the theologian can trace the proper approach of his discipline and confession.
When finished, the series will consist of seven volumes, spanning almost two millennia of conciliar decrees, all of them critically edited, indexed and introduced by specialists. This unprecedented research program is conducted under the direction of Giuseppe Alberigo i.m. and Alberto Melloni.
First volume: 2006
Number of volumes published: 7 (most recent volume: March 2024)
Publication frequency: Irregular
Editorial responsibility: Alberto Melloni
Publishing managers: Bart Janssens, Tim Denecker
CCCOGD I - The Oecumenical Councils, From Nicaea I to Nicaea II (325-787)
Giuseppe Alberigo (ed.)
Introduction by G. Alberigo
325 Nicaenum I, ed. G. Alberigo
381 Constantinopolitanum I, ed. A. M. Ritter
431 Ephesenum, ed. L. Abramowski
451 Chalcedonense, ed. E. Mühlenberg
553 Constantinopolitanum II, ed. P. Conte
680-1 Constantinopolitanum III, ed. H. G. Thümmel
691-2 Trullanum, ed. G. Nedungatt & S. Agrestini
787 Nicaenum II, ed. E. Lamberz & J. B. Uphus
CCCOGD II.1-2 - The General Councils of Latin Christendom
Giuseppe Alberigo † & Alberto Melloni (ed.)
869 Constantinopolitanum IV, ed. P. Gemeinhardt
879-80 Constantinopolitanum IV, ed. P. Gemeinhardt
1123 Lateranense I, ed. G. Gresser
1139 Lateranense II, ed. Th. Izbicki
1179 Lateranense III, ed. A. Larson & K. Pennington
1215 Lateranense IV, ed. A. García y García & A. Melloni
1245 Lugdunense I, ed. A. Larson & K. Pennington
1274 Lugdunense II, ed. B. Roberg
1311-2 Viennense, ed. R. Saccenti
1409 Pisanum, ed. J. Miethke
1414-8 Constantiense, ed. P. Stump
1423-4 Papiense-Senense, ed. J. Miethke
1431-49 Basiliense, ed. Stieber
1438-45 Ferrariense – Florentinum – Romanum, ed. F. Lauritzen, J. Uhlich, H. Suermann
1512-7 Lateranense V, ed. N. H. Minnich
CCCOGD IV.1-2 - The Great Councils of the Orthodox Churches,
From Constantinople 861 to Moscow 2000
Alberto Melloni (ed.)
861 Constantinopolitanum, ed. F. Lauritzen
879-80 Constantinopolitanum, ed. P. Gemeinhardt
920 Constantinopolitanum, ed. E. Lamberz
1030 Constantinopolitanum, ed. F. Lauritzen
1082 Constantinopolitanum, ed. F. Lauritzen
1166 Constantinopolitanum, ed. R. Saccenti
1285 Constantinopolitanum, ed. M. Stavrou
1341 Constantinopolitanum, ed. F. Lauritzen
1347 Constantinopolitanum, ed. F. Lauritzen
1351 Constantinopolitanum, ed. F. Lauritzen
1484 Constantinopolitanum, ed. S. Paschalidis
1638 Constantinopolitanum, ed. N. Papaïliaki
1642 Constantinopolitanum, ed. S. Paschalidis
1672 Hierosolymitanum, ed. V. Kontouma & S. Garnier
1691 Constantinopolitanum, ed. F. Lauritzen
1755-6 Constantinopolitanum, ed. V. Kontouma
1872 Constantinopolitanum, ed. M. Stavrou
Synodicum orthodoxiae Alexii Studitae, ed. F. Lauritzen
Synodicum georgicum, ed. B. Martin-Hisard
Synodicum bulgaricum, ed. A.M. Totomanova
Synodicum serbicum, ed. T. Subotin Golubović
Synodicum russicum – K. A. Maksimovič
Introduction by Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk
1551 Concilium Moscoviense – E. Emčenko
1666-7 Concilium Moscoviense – E. V. Beljakova
1917-8 Concilium Moscoviense – H. Alfeev
1948 Concilium Moscoviense – H. Alfeev
1971 Concilium Moscoviense – H. Alfeev
1988 Concilium Moscoviense – A. Mainardi
2000 Concilium Moscoviense – H. Alfeev
Indices: Index Locorum S. Scripturae – Index Fontium
CCCOGD IV.3 - The Great Councils of the Orthodox Churches,
Crete 2016
Alberto Melloni (ed.)
Introduction: The Holy and Great Council of Crete
Background and Outset
Towards Chambésy
From the Synaxis of January 2016 to the Council
The Convocation of the Council and the Final Straight
The Assembly
Concilium Cretense 2016
Indices: Index Locorum S. Scripturae – Index Fontium
CCCOGD V.1-2 - The General Councils of the Eastern Christian Churches
Alberto Melloni (ed.), in collaboration with Ephrem Ishac
628 Mar Mattai, ed. R. Kitchen
726 Manavazgerd, ed. R. Kitchen
785 Kfarnabu, ed. H. Kaufhold
794 Beth Botin, ed. H. Kaufhold
812/3 Ḥarran, ed. H. Kaufhold
817 Qalliniqos, ed. R. Kitchen
846 Mar Shila, ed. R. Kitchen
878 Mar Zakkay, ed. R. Kitchen
896 Mar Shila Serugh, ed. R. Kitchen
1304 Bar Wahib / Mar Ḥananya, ed. E. A. Ishac
1521 Ḥananya IV, ed. E. A. Ishac
1576 Mart Shmouni / Hattackh, ed. E. A. Ishac
1914 The Joint Council / Mardin, ed. M.-D. J. Kawak & E. A. Ishac
1930 Mar Mattai III / Mosul, ed. R. Kitchen & E. A. Ishac
1933-57 Ḥoms I/V, ed. K. Dinno & E. A. Ishac
1954 Ḥoms IV, ed. G. A. Kiraz & E. A. Ishac
1998-2002 Mor Ephraim / Damascus, ed. R. Kitchen & E. A. Ishac
410 Isaac, ed. M.-J. Pierre & C. Nakano
419/420 Yabalaha, ed. L. van Rompay
424 Dadishoʿ, ed. K. Smith
486 Aqaq, ed. E. Fiori
497 Babai, ed. E. A. Ishac, R. Kitchen & I. Timrs
540–544 Aba, ed. E. A. Ishac, R. Kitchen & V. Berti
554 Joseph, ed. C. Jullien
576 Ḥazqiel, ed. E. A. Ishac, R. Kitchen & I. Timrs
585 Ishoʿyahb, ed. R. Kitchen, M.-A. Royel & I. Timrs
596–598 Sabrishoʿ, ed. F. Jullien
605 Grigor, ed. E. A. Ishac, R. Kitchen & I. Timrs
612 The Synod of 612, ed. E. A. Ishac & R. Kitchen
676 Gewargis I, ed. A. Becker
678/679 The Letter of Gewargis I To Mina, ed. C.-S Popa
775 Ḥenanishoʿ II, ed. V. Berti
782 Timotheos I, ed. M. Heimgartner
1318 Timotheos II, ed. H. Teule
1970 Eshai Shimun XXIII, ed. R. Kitchen, M.-A. Royel & I. Timrs
1978 Dinkha IV, ed. R. Kitchen & I. Timrs
1999 Dinkha IV, ed. R. Kitchen & E. A. Ishac
484–496 Barṣawma, ed. E. A. Ishac & R. Kitchen
CCCOGD VI.1 - Synods of the Churches of and after the Reformation: The Dawn of the Reformation (16th-17th Centuries)
Alberto Melloni (ed.), in collaboration with Gianmarco Braghi
Tome 6.1.1
General Introduction (Alberto Melloni)
1526 Concilium Hombergense, ed. J. Schilling
1527 Concilium Iuliomagense, ed. C. Scheidegger
1528 Disputatio et Decem Theses Bernenses, ed. P. Hildebrand
1530 Concilium Augustanum, ed. K.I. Stjerna
1532 Concilium Bernense, ed. P. Hildebrand
1532 Concilium Campi Foranei (iuxta Hengroniam), ed. G. Braghi
1532 Synodus Tigurina, ed. E. Campi
1533/4 Concilium Argentoratense, ed. G. Braghi & G. Murdock
1541 Concilium Genevense, ed. G. Braghi & G. Murdock
1545, 1567, 1570 Concilia Hungarica et Transsylvanica, ed. Z. Csepregi
1550 Concilium Venetianum-Ferrariense, ed. D. Dainese
1559/1571 Concilia Lutetianum et Rupellense, ed. I. Dingel
Tome 6.1.2
1563/1571 Concilium Londinense, ed. T. Kirby
1564 Concilium Atverpianum, ed. G. Braghi & G. Murdock
1568-1571 Conventus Vesaliensis et Synodus Embdana, ed. H.P. Jürgens
1570 Concilium Sandomiriense, ed. M. Ptaszyński
1577 Concilium Saxonicum, ed. I. Dingel & J. Hund
1593 Concilium Upsaliense, ed. O. Bexell
1595 Articuli Lambethani, ed. T. Kirby
1610 Concilium Tuiscoburgense, ed. A. Mühling
1614/1615 Concilium Hibernicum, ed. T. Kirby
1616 Concilium Aberdoniense Ecclesiae Scoticanae, ed. I. Hazlett
In preparation
CCCOGD VI # Synods of the Churches of and after the Reformation
Tome 2. Ecclesia semper reformanda (17th-19th Centuries)
Tome 3. Alliances and Concords (19th-21st Centuries)
CCCOGD VII # General Index and Afterword