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Subsidia Maximiana

The recent revival of Maximian studies has called into being this new forum for scholarship on the Homologete. St Maximus the Confessor is a highly original thinker and theologian who made a durable impact on both Eastern and Western traditions. The Subsidia Maximiana subseries in Instrumenta Patristica et Mediaevalia provides studies on Maximus’s life, his work, and his legacy in philosophical and theological as well as historical and philological perspective. The series is open to monographs and to proceedings of colloquia and international congresses.

  • First volume: 2023 (IPM 89)

  • Number of volumes published: 2 (most recent volume: May 2023)

  • Publication frequency: Irregular

  • Editorial responsibility: Alexis Léonas (Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary), Vladimir Cvetkovic (Belgrade University, Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory)

  • Editorial board: Paul Blowers (Emmanuel Christian Seminary), Anthony Dupont (KU Leuven), Bronwen Neil (Macquarie University), Bram Roosen (KU Leuven), Torstein Tollefsen (University of Oslo), Peter Van Deun (KU Leuven)

  • Publishing manager: Bart Janssens

  • Guidelines



IPM Vol.
SM Vol.
A. Léonas, V. Cvetković
Studies in Maximus the Confessor’s Opuscula Theologica et Polemica
T. T. Tollefsen
The Christian Metaphysics of St Maximus the Confessor. Creation, World-Order, and Redemption
In preparation
A. Léonas, V. Cvetković
Ambiguum 10 of St. Maximus the Confessor in Modern Study
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