Research on the Inheritance of Early and Medieval Christianity
Instrumenta Patristica et Mediaevalia. Research on the Inheritance of Early and Medieval Christianity publishes reference works and seminal studies on patristic and medieval authors and subjects. Founded by Dom Eligius Dekkers († 1998) as Instrumenta Patristica, its initial aim was to offer a series of tools for scholars of patristic studies, with an emphasis on manuscript catalogues and bibliographical directories of major authors such as Origen, Augustine, and Jerome. As Instrumenta Patristica et Mediaevalia, the series has widened its scope to include medieval Christianity. It now welcomes all studies that are instrumental to research on the inheritance of Christianity before 1500 AD.
First volume: 1959
Number of volumes published: 103 (most recent volume: April 2024)
Publication frequency: Irregular
Editorial responsibility: Academic Board of Corpus Christianorum
Publishing manager: Bart Janssens
Author | Title | IPM, Vol. |
A. Michiels | Index uerborum quae sunt in Tertulliani tractatu de praescriptione haereticorum | 1 |
A. Hoste | Bibliotheca Aelrediana. A Survey of Manuscripts, Old Catalogues, Editions and Studies concerning St. Aelred of Rievaulx | 2 |
T. Van Bavel | Répertoire bibliographique de saint Augustin, 1950-1960 | 3 |
B. Lambert | Bibliotheca Hieronymiana manuscripta | 4.1A |
B. Lambert | Bibliotheca Hieronymiana manuscripta | 4.1B |
B. Lambert | Bibliotheca Hieronymiana manuscripta | 4.2 |
B. Lambert | Bibliotheca Hieronymiana manuscripta | 4.3A |
B. Lambert | Bibliotheca Hieronymiana manuscripta | 4.3B |
B. Lambert | Bibliotheca Hieronymiana manuscripta | 4.4A |
B. Lambert | Bibliotheca Hieronymiana manuscripta | 4.4B |
F. Combaluzier | Sacramentaires de Bergame et d'Ariberto | 5 |
M. Cappuyns | Lexique de la Regula Magistri | 6 |
J.-M. Clément | Lexique des anciennes Règles monastique latines | 7A |
J.-M. Clément | Lexique des anciennes Règles monastique latines | 7B |
H. Crouzel | Bibliographie critique d'Origène | 8 |
H. Crouzel | Bibliographie critique d'Origène | 8A |
H. Crouzel | Bibliographie critique d'Origène | 8B |
C. Joest | Bibelstellenkonkordanz zu den wichtigsten älteren Mönchsregeln | 9 |
Corona Gratiarum. Miscellanea patristica, historica et liturgica Eligio Dekkers O.S.B. XII lustra complenti oblata | 10 | |
Corona Gratiarum. Miscellanea patristica, historica et liturgica Eligio Dekkers O.S.B. XII lustra complenti oblata | 11 | |
P.-P. Verbraken | Études critiques sur les sermons authentiques de saint Augustin | 12 |
R. Gryson | Le recueil arien de Vérone | 13 |
A. Chavasse | Le sacramentaire dans le groupe dit 'gélasiens du VIIIe siècle' | 14.A-B |
G. Ghysens, P.-P. Verbraken | La carrière scientifique de Dom Germain Morin (1861-1946) | 15 |
J. Longère | Les sermons latins de Maurice de Sully, évêque de Paris (+1196) | 16 |
R. Riedinger | Der Codex Vindobonensis 418 | 17 |
G. de Martel | Répertoire des textes latins relatifs au Livre de Ruth (VIIe-XVe siècle) | 18 |
A.A.R. Bastiaensen, A. Hilhorst, C.H.J.M. Kneepkens | Fructus centesimus | 19 |
M. McNamara | Studies on Texts of Early Irish Latin Gospels (A.D. 600-1200) | 20 |
R.B.C. Huygens | La tradition manuscrite de Guibert de Nogent | 21 |
H.J. Sieben | Kirchenväterhomilien zum Neuen Testament | 22 |
M. Van Uytfanghe, R. Demeulenaere | Aevum inter utrumque. Mélanges offerts à Gabriel Sanders, professeur émérite à l'Université de Gand | 23 |
G.J.M. Bartelink, A. Hilhorst, C.H.J.M. Kneepkens | Eulogia. Mélanges offerts à Antoon R. Bastiaensen à l'occasion de son soixante-cinquième anniversaire | 24 |
P.B. Roberts | Thomas Becket in the Medieval Latin Preaching Tradition. An Inventory of Sermons about St. Thomas Becket, c. 1170-1400 | 25 |
F. Domínguez Reboiras, R. Imbach, T. Pindl-Büchel, P. Walter | Aristotelica et Lulliana magistro doctissimo Charles H. Lohr septuagesimum annum feliciter agenti dedicata | 26 |
J. McEvoy | Robert Grosseteste: New Perspectives on his Thought and scholarship | 27 |
R.I.A. Nip, H. van Dijk, E.M.C. van Houts, C.H.J.M. Kneepkens, G.A.A. Kortekaas | Media latinitas, a collection of essays to mark the occasion of the retirement of L.J. Engels | 28 |
J. Borsje | From Chaos to Enemy: Encounters with Monsters in Early Irish Texts. An Investigation Related to the Process of Christianization and the Concept of Evil | 29 |
K. Demoen, J. Vereecken | La spiritualité de l'univers byzantin dans le verbe et l'image. Hommages offerts à Edmond Voordeckers | 30 |
T. O'Loughlin | The Scriptures and Early Medieval Ireland. Proceedings of the 1993 Conference of the Society for Hiberno-Latin Studies on Early Irish Exegesis and Homiletics | 31 |
M. Conti | The Life and Works of Potamius of Lisbon | 32 |
F. Troncarelli | Vivarium. I libri, il destino | 33 |
R. Riedinger | Kleine Schriften zu den Konzilsakten des 7. Jahrhunderts | 34 |
T. O'Loughlin | Teachers and Code-Breakers: The Latin Genesis Tradition, 430-800 | 35 |
J.C. Picard | Le Continent Apocryphe. Essai sur les littératures apocryphes juive et chrétienne | 36 |
S. Cantelli | Hrabani Mauri Opera exegetica. Repertorium fontium. I | 38 |
S. Cantelli | Hrabani Mauri Opera exegetica. Repertorium fontium. II | 38A |
S. Cantelli | Hrabani Mauri Opera exegetica. Repertorium fontium. III | 38B |
T. Falmagne | Un texte en contexte: Les Flores Paradisi et le milieu culturel de Villers-en-Brabant dans la première moitié du 13e siècle | 39 |
P. Lucentini, I. Parri, V. Perrone Compagni | Hermetism from Late Antiquity to Humanism | 40 |
J.G. Mueller | L'Ancien Testament dans l'ecclésiologie des Pères. Une lecture des "Constitutions apostoliques" | 41 |
F. Domínguez Reboiras, P. Villalba-Varneda, P. Walter | Arbor scientiae. Der Baum des Wissens von Ramon Llull | 42 |
L.H. Westra | The Apostles' Creed. Origin, History and some early Commentaries | 43 |
K.M. Becker | From the Treasure-House of Scripture. An Analysis of Scriptural Sources in De Imitatione Christi | 44 |
L. De Coninck | La tradition manuscrite du recueil "De Verbis Domini" jusqu'au XIIe siècle | 45 |
E. Bidese, A. Fidora, P. Renner | Ramon Llull und Nikolaus von Kues: Eine Begegnung im Zeichen der Toleranz - Raimondo Lullo e Niccolò Cusano: Un incontro nel segno della tolleranza | 46 |
É. Jeauneau | Tendenda Vela. Excursions littéraires et digressions philosophiques à travers le Moyen Âge | 47 |
K. De Brabander | Le retour au paradis. La relation entre la sanctification de l'homme et l'ascèse sexuelle chez Tertullien | 48 |
A. Musco, M. Romano | Il Mediterraneo del '300: Raimondo Lullo e Federico III d'Aragona, re di Sicilia. Omaggio a Fernando Dominguez Reboiras | 49 |
R.G. Newhauser, I.P. Bejczy | A Supplement to Morton W. Bloomfield et al., 'Incipits of Latin Works on the Virtues and Vices, 1100-1500 A.D.' | 50 |
M. Goullet | Parva pro magnis munera. Études de littérature latine tardo-antique et médiévale offertes à François Dolbeau par ses élèves | 51 |
A. Anglada - Anfruns | In Paciani episcopi Barcinonensis opera silva studiorum | 52 |
G. Partoens, A. Dupont, M. Lamberigts | Ministerium sermonis. Philological, Historical and Theological Studies on Augustine's Sermones ad Populum | 53 |
A. Nicolotti | Esorcismo cristiano e possessione diabolica tra II e III secolo | 54 |
G. Röwekamp | Fußnoten zu Augustinus: Gesammelte Schriften Wilhelm Geerlings | 55 |
J.-M. Auwers | L'interprétation du Cantique des cantiques à travers les chaînes exégétiques grecques | 56 |
P.F. Beatrice, A. Persic | Chromatius of Aquileia and His Age | 57 |
P. Arfé, I. Caiazzo Lacombe, A. Sannino | Adorare caelestia, gubernare terrena. Atti del Colloquio Internazionale in onore di Paolo Lucentini (Napoli, 6-7 Novembre 2007) | 58 |
F. Domínguez Reboiras, V. Tenge-Wolf, P. Walter | Gottes Schau und Weltbetrachtung. Interpretationen zum »Liber contemplationis« des Raimundus Lullus | 59 |
E. Colombi | La trasmissione dei testi patristici latini: problemi e prospettive | 60 |
S. Niskanen | The Letter Collections of Anselm of Canterbury | 61 |
F.B.A. Asiedu | From Augustine to Anselm: The Influence of De trinitate on the Monologion | 62 |
S. Keefe | A catalogue of works pertaining to the explanation of the creed in Carolingian manuscripts | 63 |
M.-P. Bussières | La littérature des questions et réponses dans l’Antiquité profane et chrétienne: de l’enseignement à l’exégèse | 64 |
A. Dupont, G. Partoens, M. Lamberigts | Tractatio Scripturarum. Philological, Exegetical, Rhetorical, and Theological Studies on Augustine's Sermons. Ministerium Sermonis II | 65 |
M. McNamara | The Bible and the Apocrypha in the Early Irish Church (A.D. 600-1200) | 66 |
J. Higuera Rubio | Knowledge, Contemplation, and Lullism. Contributions to the Lullian Session at the SIEPM Congress - Freising, August 20-25, 2012 | 67 |
W. Otten, M.I. Allen | Eriugena and Creation | 68 |
A. Mitrofanov | L'ecclésiologie d'Anselme de Lucques (1036-1086) au service de Grégoire VII. Genèse, contenu et impact de sa "Collection canonique" | 69 |
J. Lagouanère, S. Fialon | Tertullianus Afer. Tertullien et la littérature chrétienne d'Afrique | 70 |
C. Giraud, D. Poirel | La rigueur et la passion. Mélanges en l’honneur de Pascale Bourgain | 71 |
G. Guldentops, C. Laes, G. Partoens | Felici curiositate. Studies in Latin Literature and Textual Criticism from Antiquity to the Twentieth Century. In Honour of Rita Beyers | 72 |
F.P. Barone, C. Macé, P.A. Ubierna | Philologie, herméneutique et histoire des textes entre Orient et Occident. Mélanges en hommage de Sever J. Voicu | 73 |
C. Gerzaguet, J. Delmulle, C. Bernard-Valette | Nihil veritas erubescit. Mélanges offerts à Paul Mattei par ses élèves, collègues et amis | 74 |
G. Partoens, A. Dupont, S. Boodts | Praedicatio Patrum. Studies on Preaching in Late Antique North Africa | 75 |
P. Nehring, M. Stróżyński, R. Toczko | Scrinium Augustini. The World of Augustine's Letters | 76 |
A. Bastit, J. Verheyden | Irénée de Lyon et les débuts de la Bible chrétienne | 77 |
P.-H. Poirier, T. Pettipiece | Biblical and Manichaean Citations in Titus of Bostra’s Against the Manichaeans (Titus of Bostra) | 78 |
A. Vanspauwen | In Defence of Faith, Against the Manichaeans. Critical Edition and Historical, Literary and Theological Study of the Treatise Aduersus Manichaeos, Attributed to Evodius of Uzalis | 79 |
Z. Smith | Philosopher-monks, episcopal authority, and the care of the self. The Apophthegmata Patrum in fifth-century Palestine | 80 |
D. de Courcelles | Les formes laïques de la philosophie. Raymond Lulle dans l'histoire de la philosophie médiévale | 81 |
G. Rioual | Lire Grégoire de Nazianze au Xe siècle. Études sur Basile le Minime et ses Commentaires aux Discours 4 et 5 | 82 |
M. Hoskin | The Manuscripts of Leo the Great's Letters. The Transmission and Reception of Papal Documents in Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages | 83 |
C. Macé, G. Gippert | The Multilingual Physiologus. Studies in the Oldest Greek Recension and its Translations | 84 |
S. Bruce | Litterarum dulces fructus. Studies in Early Medieval Latin Culture in Honour of Michael Herren for his 80th Birthday | 85 |
M. Pignot | Latin Anonymous Sermons from Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages (AD 300-800) | 86 |
I. Schaaf | Hieronymus Romanus. Studies on Jerome and Rome on the Occasion of the 1600th Anniversary of his Death | 87 |
I. Morresi | Le 'Institutiones humanarum litterarum' di Cassiodoro. Commento alle redazioni interpolate Φ e Δ | 88 |
A. Léonas, V. Cvetković | Studies in Maximus the Confessor’s Opuscula Theologica et Polemica | 89 |
T. T. Tollefsen | The Christian Metaphysics of St Maximus the Confessor. Creation, World-Order, and Redemption | 90 |
J. Kujawinski | Nicholas Trevet’s Commentary on the Psalms (1317 – c. 1321): A Publishing History | 91 |
S. Niskanen | The Art of Publication from the Ninth to the Sixteenth Century | 93 |
D. Zaganas, J.-M. Auwers, J. Verheyden | Procopius the Christian Sophist: Catenist, Compiler, Epitomist (c. 465–528 AD) | 94 |
In preparation
Author | Title |
M. Špelič | Hieronymus noster. New Perspectives on Jerome’s Exegetical, Philological, and Theological Work |
N. De Maeyer, G. Partoens, S. Boodts, A. Dupont | Vox praedicatoris. Latin Patristic sermons, their transmission, and their reception (4th-15th centuries) |
A. Lorrain, J.-M. Auwers | Order or Disorder? Surveys on the Composition of Greek Exegetical Catenae |
R. Gounelle, A. Conti, Z. Izydorczyk | The Descent of Christ into Hell in Byzantine and Medieval Literature. Western rewritings of Sermons XV and XVII of the Pseudo-Eusebius of Alexandria and related texts |
M. Pignot | Augustine and the Making of Christian Practice (400-1000) |
L. Krešić Nacevski | Étude et édition sélective des Passiones des femmes martyres dans le Ms Passionale MR 164 (s. X) |
E. Lonati | Le Chronicon d’Hélinand de Froidmont : Nouvelles perspectives, nouveaux enjeux |
R. Macchioro | Visions of Authority in Patristic and Medieval Latin Sermons. Literary, philological, and historical investigations into the making, the diffusion, and the influence of a ceaselessly evolving corpus |
S. Niskanen | Writers Seeking Readers: Authorial Publication from Late Antiquity to Renaissance |
A. Mayer | Dialogue in the Dungeon. The Disputatio Raimundi christiani et Homeri saraceni |
J. Meyers | Les sermons du manuscrit de Vienne (ÖNB Ms lat. 4147). Interrogations sur leur unité, leur datation et leur origine |
C. Macé | Organising a Literary Corpus in the Middle Ages. The Corpus Nazianzenum and the Corpus Dionysiacum |
A. Léonas, V. Cvetković | Ambiguum 10 of St. Maximus the Confessor in Modern Study |