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Calendar Calculations between 1103 and 1232

Writer's picture: BRBR

In volume 272A of the Continuatio Mediaevalis of the Corpus Christianorum Alfred Lohr continues his investigations into the world of computus texts from the long twelfth century. In this new edition he presents 15 texts from the period 1103 to 1232, 14 of which have not been printed before. This will undoubtedly be another edition by Alfred Lohr no student of medieval computus can neglect.

(Continue reading below the cover)

Calendar calculations held a significant place in medieval education. They were used to determine movable feasts like Easter and Pentecost for a given year, calculate the day of the week for specific dates, and determine the moon’s age, i.e., how many days had passed since the last new moon. Various tools were employed for these tasks, including key numbers for years, months, and festivals, calculation rules with or without the use of fingers, tables, and mnemonic verses.

Given the importance of calendar calculations, it is not surprising that numerous contemporary texts comprehensively covered this subject. The current edition includes 15 texts from the period 1103 to 1232, 14 of which have not been printed before. Only the most successful of these texts, written by Johannes de Sacrobosco, was first printed in 1538 and subsequently in many other editions. The rich content of the texts published here is made accessible through several indexes, including an alphabetical subject index.




Zur Konzept des vorliegenden Buches

Die Autoren und ihr Werke

A: Ignoti auctoris Regulae factae de computo

B: Ignoti auctoris Computus de sententiis doctorum collectus

C: Ignoti auctoris Ars computi

D: Ignoti auctoris Summa de computo ecclesiastico

E: Magistri Willelmi Summa de computo

F: Ignoti auctoris Tractatus de computo manuali

G: Petri〈Cunestabuli〉 De computo

H: Ignoti auctoris Compendium de computo

I: Ignoti auctoris Computus

J: Conradi de Strazburg Computus

K: Petri de Bernia Computus de arte astronomiae

L: Radulfi de Longo Campo Computus

M: Ignoti auctoris Computus

N: Iohannis de Sacrobosco (?) Computus ecclesiasticus

O: Iohannis de Sacrobosco Nova computi compilatio

Frühere Ausgaben

Editorische Grundsätze


Bibliographie / Quellen / Sekundärliteratur



Index biblicus / Index fontium / Index uersuum / Index nominum / Index analyticus

Alfred Lohr studierte Philosophie, Theologie, Mathematik, Physik und semitische Sprachen in Rom, Würzburg und Bristol. Abschluss als Diplom-Mathematiker. Beruflich als Abteilungsleiter im Rechenzentrum der Universität Freiburg i.Br. und als IT-Manager in der Schweizer Industrie (Ciba-Geigy, Novartis, IBM) tätig. Nach Pensionierung Studium der lateinischen Philologie des Mittelalters in Freiburg, mit Promotion abgeschlossen. Er hat sich auf die Edition mittelalterlicher Computus-Schriften spezialisiert, von denen bereits mehrere gedruckt vorliegen.

In the series Corpus Christianorum. Continuatio Mediaevalis Alfred Lohr has previously published:

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