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Clavis Clavium: Newsletter #4

Writer's picture: BRBR

We have uploaded a new version of the data to the Open Access search platform. This means that the data in the update platform and the OA search platform are now identical again. In this newsletter we present the following:

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What's new in the OA search platform?

* Hagiographica

Robert Godding of the Société des Bollandistes continues to work his way through the Bibliotheca Hagiographica Latina. A considerable number of texts have been either checked and/or updated with new information. It would take too long to list all of them, but it might be of interest to mention the newly added texts:

  • Miracula in chartulis XI tradita (BHL 5333b) < Margarita virgo Ordinis Sancti Dominici, filia Belae IV regis Ungariae

  • Translatio Constantinopolim auct. Arnallo (BHL 7858d) < Stephanus diaconus protomartyr

  • Vita Amphilochii interprete Anastasio Bibliothecario (BHL 396m) & Vita Amphilochii (BHL 396n) < Amphilochius episcopus Iconiensis

  • Vita rythmica (BHL 333b) < Amandus episcopus Traiectensis

  • Inventio et miracula Alexandri p. (s.n.) < Alexander papa, Eventius, Theodulus, Hermes et Quirinus martyres Romae

  • Vita metrica (BHL 237a) < Albinus episcopus Andegavensis

  • Passio (BHL 277a) < Alexander martyr Bergomi

  • Historia S. Adalberti (BHL 50d) & Vita (BHL 50f) < Adalbertus-Vojtechus episcopus Pragensis

  • Vitae epitome auct. Iohanne Gielemans (BHL 33b) < Adalbertus diaconus Egmondae in Hollandia

  • Passio (BHL 2150b) < Desiderius episcopus Viennensis

* Catenae

Hugh Houghton continues to add information to the Catenae in Novum Testamentum on the basis of the CATENA-project. As for the hagiographica we only list the new additions:

* Ioca monachorum and related texts

Charles D. Wright continued his work on the Ioca monachorum (CPL 1155f), adding further details to his already excellent presentation of this text and its recensions. He provided the same level of detail for two other texts: Altercatio Adriani et Epicteti (CPL 1155ff) and De plasmatione Adam et quaestiones nonnullae (CPL 1155j).

* Varia graeca:

  • Gianmario Cattaneo has added some bibliographical updates and notes to Severus of Antioch's letters (CPG 7070.3), Origenes' Commentarii in Lucam (CPG 1452) and Ammonius' Fragmenta in Danielem (CPG 5501). Moreover, he added an extra text to the Polemica of Severus, viz. Contra testamentum Lampetii (s.n.)

  • Matthieu Cassin provided bibliographic updates, primarily to Gregory of Nyssa (CPG 3148, 3149, 3153 and 3160) and Evagrius' Scholia in Psalmos (CPG 2455 + 2455.1 and 2455.2).

  • Martin Wallraff added a new work, viz the Canones Psalmorum (CPG 3471), to the Exegetica of Eusebius of Caesarea. Moreover, he provided bibliographic updates to Ps. Martyrius' Vita Iohannis Chrysostomi (CPG 6517), Eusebius' Epistula ad Carpianum. Canones euangeliorum (CPG 3465), and to Iulius Africanus' Chronographiae (CPG 1690) and Cesti (CPG 1691).

* Varia latina:

  • Marina Giani completely reworked and updated the presentation of Novatianus' De trinitate (CPL 71), also integrating the data provided by Machielsen in the CPPM.

  • Julia Aguilar Miquel turned her attention to two dossiers: that of Quiricus episcopus Barcinonensis and that of Taio episcopus Caesaraugustanus. These dossiers are now fully up to date and available for further research.

* "Quick submits"

And, finally, thank you to the numerous scholars who drew our attention to possible addenda et corrigenda. Please do not hesitate to send us other instances via this link. Because "Errare humanum est, perseverare diabolicum" we will carefully consider every suggestion.

* Links

We are continuing the work of adding links to other databases, primarily the Library of Latin Texts and the Sources Chrétiennes Online, but also to the CATENA project. Other databases will be added in the future.

Become a contributor?

Clavis Clavium can only thrive if the scholarly community helps in keeping it up to date. If you have material that can be added to Clavis Clavium, please do not hesitate to apply or contact us to discuss the best way to enter it into the database. In return we provide you with a publish report of your contribution and your name and the nature of your contribution will be mentioned in the revision history of the entries you worked on. In other words, you can claim your contribution as a digital publication.

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