The Corpus Christianorum stays committed to its mission, i.e. to produce the best critical editions of texts by Christian authors from Late Antiquity till the end of the Middle Ages. September and October 2020 will be full of activity again.
We invite you to browse the list of upcoming titles:
Books VII-IX of Radulfus Ardens’ Speculum universale, the most extensive and systematic treatise of theological ethics from the 12th century.
ediderunt Claudia Heimann & Stephan Ernst, adiuuantibus Tobias Janotta & Anette Löffler
The full text of Petrus Cantor’s Distinctiones Abel, an influential and innovative work of twelfth-century biblical scholarship.
edidit Stephen A. Barney
Rupertus Tuitiensis’ Anulus seu Dialogus de sacramentis fidei, an early twelfth-century dialogue between a Christian and a Jew about the true faith.
edidit Alessio Magoga
The Tractatus contra Graecos, written by an anonymous Dominican monk in Constantinople in 1252.
edidit Andrea Riedl
The anonymous Vita et miracula Rosae de Viterbo
ediderunt Attilio Bartoli Langeli, Eleonora Rava & Filippo Sedda
The first critical edition of three significant sections, namely, Books Δ-Z, of the Florilegium Coislinianum, a Byzantine alphabetical anthology compiled sometime between the end of the ninth and the beginning of the tenth century, most probably in Southern Italy.
edidit José Maksimczuk
Italian translation of the accounts of Saewulf, John of Würzburg and Theoderich of their travels to the Holy Land. The translation is based on the critical edition by R.B.C. Huygens (CCCM 139).
transl. Silverio Franzoni & Elisa Lonati
English translation of the Glossa in Apocalypsin (Cambridge Gloss on the Apocalypse), a recently-discovered anonymous Hiberno-Latin (that is, authored by an Irish cleric writing in Latin) commentary on the Apocalypse of John found in a tenth-century manuscript at Cambridge University Library. The translation is based on the critical edition by R. Gryson (CCSL 108G)